Mahideb Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity (MJSKS)
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Most of the beneficiaries household of MJSKS have improved their livelihood due to: asset-transfer, access to clean water and hygienic latrines, vegetable gardening, social development issues, homestead plinth raising, nutritional support and providing different demonstration, trainings, learning sessions, children education and adult literacy. Through the instructions by our social-workers, the beneficiaries have gained knowledge and skills to continue their Income-Generating-Activities like animal-rearing and breeding, vegetable gardening, sewing and small-business-maintaining properly. By establishing linkages with different service providers the beneficiaries can mitigate their services. Most of the beneficiary's households of MJSKS are able to manage 3 meals a day and also improved their social dignity compared to the situation before joining our projects. Most of the beneficiaries are capable to come out of the vicious--circle of poverty through the proper initiatives of MJSKS with its partners.

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